Answers for Lillian

Lillian is now 7 weeks old! This special time has FLOWN by – I found a few minutes to capture the same answers for Lillian that I posted for Evelyn after her birth. I wanted to make sure we documented the wonderful experience that was Lillian’s first birthday and remember all the excitement and love for future enjoyment.

How much did I weigh? 7 pounds, 13 ounces

How long was I? 20 1/2 inches, but the nurses swear you were longer than that! I think so too, you were a long babe!

Who was in the delivery room with mom? Just like Evelyn’s birth, daddy was in the delivery room with me. I had a scheduled C-section.

What time was I born? What day of the week? What was the delivery like?

You were born at 12:36PM on a Tuesday. Many weeks before that day, dad and I met with Dr. Diebel to talk about a C-section delivery. We got to pick the day you were born! Since Dr. Diebel was on call on March 15th and we wanted him as the doctor, you were delivered just when we expected you! On the morning you were born, your dad and I arrived at Winnie Palmer hospital at 9AM. Gran Gran, Mindy, and Mike were also there to wait in the delivery room with us. Uncle Chris was also in the waiting room and got to see you for the first time right after you were born.

Once we were admitted into the hospital, I was taken back to the prep area and the nurses started their work. I was prepped for surgery, got on my hospital gown, and an IV and epidural were started. Your dad held my hand as the epidural was inserted in my back. Very quickly, the bottom part of my body became numb and the nurse anesthetist kept checking me to make sure that I was numb and ready for surgery. Right at noon, I was wheeled on my hospital bed into the delivery room. Your dad had to wait outside as they got me on the operating table and prepped me. Then, Dr. Diebel and Dr. Weber arrived to start the delivery. Your daddy came in, and the surgery began. In the room, there was music playing, rock and roll – your dad and I thought it was funny! The room was icy cold. Your dad had to wear full scrubs and even a hat! All the doctors, nurses, your dad, and I agreed it was time to start and your delivery began. I had to lie on the operating table with my hands strapped away from my body. Since I had anesthetics, I would sometimes shake and my arms wouldn’t stop moving – it was a very strange feeling. I also got very nauseous, so the anesthesiologist gave me some anti-nausea medication. This made me very groggy and I felt heavy. As the surgery progressed, a nurse who was stationed next to me got a baby bed all prepped for you. Within minutes, Dr. Diebel announced you arrived and we heard your first cries! Your dad and I locked eyes and could not believe you were now with us and part of our beautiful family! Dr. Diebel let your dad watch as you were pulled from my tummy. You were laid on my legs and the umbilical cord was cut. Your dad said it was a surreal experience watching you enter into this world. He immediately told me how beautiful you were and that you had brown hair, and lots of it!! I was crying tears of excitement as I lay on the operating table, you were finally with us, healthy, and safe. My relief and thankfulness was intense and overwhelming. Daddy got to hold you and the nurses took pictures of us! The baby nurse then brought you over and I got to hold you for the first time. Your dad and I locked eyes again, we were so happy and felt such amazing love for you. Many more pictures were taken, and you were laid on my chest so we could have skin to skin contact. You stayed on my chest for many minutes, I got to look at you and feel your new, warm body next to me. I continued to battle the nausea and was feeling very sick, so they took you off my chest. Then, you were placed in the baby bed and wheeled out to meet Gran, Mindy, Mike and Chris with your dad. Dr. Diebel continued the surgery and I stayed on the operating table for the next hour or so. Then, I was wheeled out to the post operation area and your dad and you were waiting for me. We spent about 2 hours in post operation, your dad and I held you, took pictures, and I got to try and start nursing you. Because I felt so sick from the nausea, I had to close my eyes a bit – I was very tired and did not feel well. Your dad just enjoyed you in his arms while I took a little snooze.

Next, we were moved to a hospital room and we stayed at Winnie Palmer Hospital for 3 days.

What was the first thing mom thought when she saw me?

Besides feeling very nauseous(!), I remembered telling myself to be present and enjoy this experience. I remember looking at your dad and feeling such a profound love for what we had done – bringing you into this family that respects and loves you so much before you were even born makes that moment I saw you so special. My first thought was, “be present, this is really important!” And second, I will always remember your dad’s face – looking at you, then looking at me – he was so proud.

What was your first impression of me when you held me?

I got to hold you on my chest minutes after you were born. Your tiny little body lying on my chest was truly spiritual and profound. To know you were with me for nine months, then you were lying on my chest, what a gift to be your mom! I also remembered thinking how beautiful you were, your lips and hands were so beautiful – I was in awe!!

What was the first night at the hospital like after I was born?

Once we got to our room, we got to let everyone visit. Gigi and Papa brought Evelyn to the hospital and we had a “birthday party for Lilly.” Since Evelyn was 2, we wanted her to feel a special part of the experience, so we had a cake and Evie sang, “It’s your birthday today,” many times! Mindy, Gran and Chris got to hold you and coo over you right into the evening. Your sister was interested in sitting up in my hospital bed. When asked what she thought of her new sister, she said, “She’s beautiful.” Everyone laughed!

As we got into the night, everyone left and the hospital room got quiet. We held you and recovered from the excitement of the day. I kept trying to nurse you, we both held you, and you slept. We tried to get some sleep and talked about the day. You were beautiful and finally with us – hooray!

Who came to visit us at the hospital?

The second day, Grandma Sue and Papa Joe came, along with Aunt Patti and Hugh. Also, Chris and Donna came. Evelyn, Gigi, and Papa also came back to get some more visiting time and snuggles. We took a lot of pictures!

How long did we stay at the hospital?

3 days – you had jaundice, so we were concerned they would keep us more days. But, they allowed us to discharge with you and we had to take a bilirubin blanket home with us. You had to lay on the blanket and go to the pediatrician for 3 days after you left the hospital to get rid of the jaundice.

What was the name of the doctor that delivered me? Dr. Diebel, and Dr. Weber assisted

What are some funny stories about the time spent in the hospital?

Since you are our second child, we knew what to expect in the hospital. Hindsight! We were much more relaxed with you while we stayed at Winnie – we let things organically happen, we just relaxed and held you a lot. In the evenings, if we were tired, you would go to the nursery for a few hours and we would sleep.

The last day, we wanted to get discharged pretty badly. We had been there for days and were ready to go home. We had to wait until almost 3PM on the day we were allowed to leave so your bilirubin blanket would arrive. Then, we had to make a mad dash to get all our things packed and we hurried out of the hospital to get home! As they wheeled me in the wheelchair out the front door of the hospital, I got to hold you in my arms. I was a pretty proud mama – I was ready to go home and start our life and our family time!


What was the car ride home from the hospital like?

You slept in the car the whole way home (unlike your sister!). It was almost rush hour as we left, so we got stuck in a bit of traffic downtown. We were so nervous you would start to cry, but you didn’t!

The weekend before I was born, what did mom and dad do? What was it like to know it was the last weekend without a child?


What are some things you did not expect or are amazed by?

1. Having two is NO JOKE! Once you arrived, it took some weeks for your sister to adjust to having you in the house. She was always loving to you and was never jealous, she was just irritated that mommy and daddy were not 100% available anytime she needed something. When I would hold you or breastfeed you, Evelyn was usually right on my side, saying, “Mommy, mommy, what you are doing?”

2. Since you are our second and last child we will have, I have been intentional about holding you and relishing how little you are. With you, I was much more mellow than with Evelyn – I knew what to expect. I know you will hear this 1,000,000 times in your life, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Your sweet face and sweet disposition is my joy.

3. Daddy is a saint. Having three girls in the house is rough!

4. The day you were born, your maternal grandmother Evelyn passed away – we ushered you into life and said good bye to Nanny in the same day. Gran had a very emotional day, gaining a granddaughter and losing a mother.

5. You started sleeping quickly within weeks through the night. You were a mellow baby!

6. I breastfed you for many weeks, so I got to hold you a lot as a newborn. I can say, those are some of my more cherished moments with you.

7. Having you in our lives makes this family complete. I could not ask for a more amazing arrival or a more amazing child.

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