4 Month Milestones

4 Month Milestones

Evelyn has started to use her exersaucer with the help of a small towel around her tummy for support and a pillow below her to help her stand. It is quite entertaining to watch her explore. Marci and I refer to her as the “CBO,” or Chief Baby Officer because she reminds us of an executive at their desk.

She has also joined us at the table in her high chair and even started tasting some food. These pictures are of her trying a not so ripe banana. She has also tried some of our sweet potatoes and even a pickle. We were surprised that she enjoyed sucking on a dill spear!


HERE are more pictures.

Approaching 4 months – she has grown!

On the 19th, Evelyn is 4 MONTHS OLD! How did this happen, she is growing up and developing so fast! In the past few weeks, she has sprouted a tooth on her bottom front jaw. This jagged new addition to her mouth brings about a lot of drool and exploration with her little tongue. She licks anything that gets near her mouth, it is her new best sense – taste! With the onset of teething, she has a bit of a runny nose and cough, we are monitoring her temp over the past week to make sure it is just associated with the teething and not a real cold.

Other amazing firsts from Evelyn include trying to stand. She likes to stand with assistance in our lap and will hold a rigid stance for about a minute or so. She loves to stand, she smiles and arches her back and neck, proud as a little peacock. Her sounds are also new, she is bubbling, babbling, cooing, and grring constantly. She likes conversation and will talk back and forth with us as if she is telling a great story. Just like her mommy, her facial expressions and intonations are part of her theatrical responses – she definitely has something to say!

She visited her nanny and cousins in Lakeland last weekend. Nanny was thrilled to hold Evelyn, they are quite the pair, the Evelyns! We spent the night with my mom, aka Gran Gran, so Evelyn got a few days with my mom, sister, the twins, and Bella. Evelyn rolled around on the floor between moments of being held by her cousins and Mindy.

We are going to the doctor on Monday for her 4 month shots, hopefully it won’ t be as traumatic as last time. Evelyn is growing and becomes more beautiful and interesting each day. We are smitten!