Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator

I passed the Checkpoint 156-215.75 test today. 91%!! I am now a CCSA! After working with Checkpoint firewalls for nearly 8 years, I made it official.

This completes my certification goals for 2012. I have completed the CCENT, CCNA, and CCNA Security exams for Cisco, and the CCSA for Checkpoint. This has been a ton of work but, gives me more confidence in my job, and will hopefully help my career in the long run. I am done for 2012, and what a relief it is to think about. I promptly set up my vice on my desk at home and tied about a half dozen new flies. I am REALLY looking forward to Shad season this year. I will savor every moment I have of downtime, as the certifying will start again in Jan 2013. My next step is Cisco ASA Specialist!

CCNA Security

I passed the CCNA Security exam today! I got a 977. WOOT! Now I have to decide whether I am going to continue down the Cisco path or, pause, and broaden my certifications with other network security vendors. Decisions…

The CCNA Security certification also gives me NSA/ CNSS 4011 Recognition. This means I am qualified to assist federal agencies and private sector entities in protecting their information and aid in the defense of the nation’s vital information resources. Double WOOT!