35 Week Appointment

Chad and I visited Dr. Deibel this morning for our 35 week appointment. Evelyn is sitting straight up in my tummy, we have a breech baby on our hands! He wanted to check her weight, so we got an additional sonogram today, a little bonus – we got to see her sweet face and find out she is about 6 POUNDS already! The sonogram was positive, she isn’t in any stress, her organs checked out great, and she is surrounded by plenty of fluid. We will give her another week to flip. If she doesn’t flip by next week, we may go to the hospital for an external cephalic version (ECV), this is a manual external manipulation of the baby to encourage turning. If she chooses to stay breech, she will delivery by cesarean section.

All said, she is healthy and at a good weight for 35 weeks. I am feeling good as well, one of her feet is resting on my bladder, which explains my constant need to visit the restroom! She kicks all the time and shows her personality already when Chad talks. Yesterday, we were laughing and she kicked as a sign she was included! Chad and I are having a great time talking about her arrival, she already has so much support and love!

I am headed to a meet and greet with a prospective pediatrician practice this afternoon. I am also going to preregister at the hospital – they encourage this so delivery day is smooth and the paperwork is already complete.

We are close!