CCNA Security

I passed the CCNA Security exam today! I got a 977. WOOT! Now I have to decide whether I am going to continue down the Cisco path or, pause, and broaden my certifications with other network security vendors. Decisions…

The CCNA Security certification also gives me NSA/ CNSS 4011 Recognition. This means I am qualified to assist federal agencies and private sector entities in protecting their information and aid in the defense of the nation’s vital information resources. Double WOOT!

Anna Maria Island

This weekend we joined Mike and Mindy in Anna Maria Island for some fun in the sun. Mike’s brother Tommy has a great beach house right on the grand canal. We got in some fishing from the boat on Saturday morning and got in to some ladyfish and small trout. Before we left, and before the sun was even up actually, I got a nice 19″ trout right off the dock. He is now resting peacefully in my freezer. Later that same evening, I took the kayak out and had one of those epic fishing experiences. 30+ fish on the fly ranging from decent size trout, huge ladyfish, and a school of jack crevalle. Of course, this is the one time I left the GoPro at home!

We had a blast with Mike, Mindy and the kids. It is so nice to spend some time together, eating, drinking, and having fun. Great weekend!