Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator

I passed the Checkpoint 156-215.75 test today. 91%!! I am now a CCSA! After working with Checkpoint firewalls for nearly 8 years, I made it official.

This completes my certification goals for 2012. I have completed the CCENT, CCNA, and CCNA Security exams for Cisco, and the CCSA for Checkpoint. This has been a ton of work but, gives me more confidence in my job, and will hopefully help my career in the long run. I am done for 2012, and what a relief it is to think about. I promptly set up my vice on my desk at home and tied about a half dozen new flies. I am REALLY looking forward to Shad season this year. I will savor every moment I have of downtime, as the certifying will start again in Jan 2013. My next step is Cisco ASA Specialist!

First Ultrasound

We got to see our baby for the first time today! Marci had her first ultrasound today. If you look closely and squint your eyes slightly, you can make out the image of our little “peanut.” The baby is actually about the size of a peanut at 6 weeks but you can still make out the beginnings of a head, paddles, and even a little tail if you look closely. It was an amazing experience and one that Marci and I will never forget.