
This morning while I had my head on Marci’s tummy talking to miss Evelyn as I do every morning, I was able to hear her heartbeat for the first time with my own ears without the assistance of a dopler or stethoscope. It was strong and easy to hear. I then grabbed the stethoscope so Marci could hear. It was hard to find with the stethoscope compared to my ear, but, I was able to track it down so Marci could hear it too. 6 more weeks!

Evelyn’s Nursery


Evelyn’s nursery is really starting to come together! Marci made a mobile, my mom made sheets, drapes, boppy cover, and a changing pad, and my Dad made a custom alligator to welcome her home. Donna and Mark gave us the awesome pink gliding chair and Patti and Kirk gave us the chandelier. I put together the furniture, installed the lighting and new dimmer/ switches. Inside of the two dressers and closet is just about everything you would ever need to welcome your new baby in to your home. We are blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends and we truly appreciate everything that each of you has done to welcome Evelyn. We can’t wait to meet her!

Here are some more pictures of Evelyn’s nursery.