Our Maiden Voyage…. on NEW Kayaks!


Chad and I bought kayaks yesterday and took them for an inaugural spin on Lake Virginia in Winter Park. We bought a blue one for me and a yellow one for Chad. He is already referring to his kayak as, “my other blond!” I thought he should name it, “The Banana Hammock” – the verdict is still out. : ) Mine is named Blue Belle. They are the new Hobie Revolution kayaks with a Mirage drive. This means we have a pedal in the center of the boat that allows you to choose – pedal OR paddle! It also has a rudder on the back for steering. These are prefect for fishing, you can easily pedal with your feet and have your hands completely free to FISH!

Yesterday, our maiden voyage took place on Lake Virginia in Winter Park. We paddled around the Winter Park chain and explored all the possible fishing holes. Then this morning, we went out again to Lake Virginia with our poles and spent a few hours tackling some bass.

The kayaks are a great way for us to get exercise, get outdoors, and explore our beautiful state. We have already planned a trip in December to camp at a few new sites. Now, we have the kayaks to spend our camping time on the water. Between fishing, paddling, and pedalling – we have decided these are our new way to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy being together.  

To check out the pictures, CLICK HERE.