Answers for Evelyn

Before we headed to the hospital, I wrote down questions Evelyn may have when she is older that tells the story of her delivery and first days. Now, she is 3 weeks old – I spent some time this week answering them. Enjoy!

How much did I weigh? 7 pounds, 11 ounces

How long was I? 21 inches, but interestingly, you measured 20 1/2 inches at your 2 week pediatrician appointment, so we suspect you may have been closer to 20 inches when you were born.

Who was in the delivery room with mom? Your dad was with me. Since you were a c-section baby, it was a considered a surgery, so the room was a standard operating room.

What time was I born? What day of the week? What was the delivery like?

You were a week and a half late. We went to visit Dr. Diebel at 41 weeks and he said it was time to induce you. We checked in to Winnie Palmer hospital on a Sunday and started the induction process. I endured 4 rounds of misoprostol, a drug that was supposed to help thin my cervix. It unfortunately did not work! So, Dr. Quirino gave me a cervical balloon on Monday night, and I dilated to 4 cm within a few hours. The pain was pretty intense, much like a constant contraction than rounds of contraction then rest. I was very uncomfortable Monday night into early Tuesday morning. I did not progress past 4 cm, so Dr. Tandon said it was time to get me down to labor and delivery floor and start Petocin. There was an amazing nurse named Ashleigh that was extremely kind and helpful. She administered the Pectocin drip and the contractions started. They progressed to 2 minutes apart. Your dad worked with me to breathe, relax, and focus on positive things. Gran Gran and Aunt Mindy came in to visit, they got to see me in quite a state of pain! I was moaning and doing my best to endure the pain! After a few hours of contractions, Dr. Tandon checked me to see if I had dilated some more, and I was only at 5 cm. I had labored all Tuesday evening, and only progressed to 5 cm. A few times, your heart rate got very low, the second time, you were in a scary range for over 4 minutes. Your dad and I decided it was too concerning that you were in stress, and I had not progressed enough to delivery you, so we chose to do a c-section. Ashleigh prepped me for surgery, and your dad also had to change into scrubs. Within an hour, I was moved to an operating room. Your dad had to wait outside the room for a few minutes, so they could get me on to the operating table and hook up all the lines. He said it was the longest minutes of his life! Finally, he was ushered into the operating room. I was very scared and was shaky, the room was very cold and I was nervous. I wanted to meet you so much, but I was also scared that I was having a major operation. Your dad was very brave and sat next to me, it was wonderful to have him in the room with me. Dr. Tandon started the c-section and within 15 minutes, you were here! You let out a squeal and then started to cry. It was the happiest sound in my life! Your dad was elated, he started crying, I started crying, you were here! The nurses let your dad come over and cut the cord, he also got to take pictures as you were cleaned up, weighed, and checked out. They swaddled you and let your dad hold you, he was so proud to be a dad! During this time, the surgery was still happening, so they brought you over to me and I got to kiss you and say hello to my beautiful girl. The first time I laid eyes on you, the emotion of being a mom, being responsible for you, and loving your father was overwhelming, I cried tears of happiness that we were a family and this moment was perfect.

Your dad placed you in a bassinet and you got a ride out of the operating room to meet Gran Gran, Aunt Mindy, Gigi and Papa. Your daddy was so proud to show you to them – they all cried tears of excitement. You came into the world on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 12:55 AM.

What was my original due date? June 7th

What was the first thing mom thought when she saw me?

I thought, “I made her!” and I was amazed by how beautiful you were. It is a surreal experience to be pregnant for 9+ months, to carry another human being with you, then finally meet that person. The joy of that moment cannot be explained in words, it proves to me there is a God and he gives moms the honor to take care of babies. Honor is probably a great word to describe that moment, it was as if your father and I were special and chosen to be your parents. I was in awe.

What about dad?

Your dad had been through quite the week as well. We were both just emotional, tired, and ready for you to arrive. Through the whole experience, your dad was attentive to my needs, he was constantly checking to make sure I was okay, he comforted me, listened to me, and helped explain our needs to the staff. After you were born, your dad changed all your diapers in the hospital, he rocked you, he swaddled you, he was perfect with you.

What was your first impression of me when you held me?

While I was in the operating room, they let me put one hand on you and I was able to hold you with assistance. The first time I got to really hold you to my chest was in post-operating area. I remembered how soft and cuddly you were, and putting you next to my heart felt like the most natural and wholesome feeling. It was like coming home, holding you for the first time was a moment I will never forget.

What was the first night at the hospital like after I was born?

In a word, exhausting! Since you were born at 12:55AM, we did not get out of the post-0p area until around 5AM. The nurses kept us in that area to make sure I am recovering okay, and they also had to get a room ready for us on another floor so we could stay for the next 2 days. In the post-op area, a great nurse named Ryan (girl) helped us, she was attentive, smart and helpful. Your dad and I took turns holding you, we were so excited that we couldn’t sleep. We just held you and talked about how beautiful you were. Gran Gran, Mindy, GiGi and Papa waiting until we got a room, it was about 5:30AM before I was wheeled to the room. Everyone hugged us and were tired, but excited. You were taken to the nursery for shots and a checkup. Everyone stopped by the nursery to see you through the glass before they left. While you were in the nursery, your dad and I slept for a few hours. Relief! It had been a long stretch and we were emotionally and physically exhausted. I was still coming off the epidural and they kept a pain monitor next to my bed that I could press if I was uncomfortable. My whole body was taxed, they pumped me with so much fluid, I was really puffy!

Who came to visit us at the hospital?

After we laid down for a few hours, you came back to the room with us. We had some family time and met the pediatrician. You checked out  perfectly – you were a healthy baby. Over the next two days at the hospital, Gran Gran, Uncle Mike, GiGi, Papa, Grandma Sue, Papa Joe, Aunt Donna, Aunt Patti, Uncle Brian and the cousins all visited. They got to hold you and coo over how sweet you were.

How long did we stay at the hospital? Counting the days we were there for the induction, we stayed 5 days!

What was the name of the doctor that delivered me? Dr. Tandon

What are some funny stories about the time spent in the hospital? Your daddy was your primary care giver in the hospital room. Since I had the c-section, I could not walk much and was in a lot of pain. Your dad changed all your diapers, learned to swaddle you perfectly, and held you for a lot of the time. My favorite time memory was your dad and I talking about you non-stop. We had such big hopes to have you, and you were here! We tried for nine months before I got pregnant, so the journey to finally have you was a long one. We talked about how our lives changed, how happy we were to be a family, it was like I got to fall in love with your dad in a whole new way. To see him as a father made him even more attractive and loving as a husband.

What was the car ride home from the hospital like?

Another funny story was when we left he hospital, we wanted to leave so badly, we had been there 5 days. GiGi and Papa were there on Friday with us when we were discharged. Papa took a load of presents and suitcases to his car, and your dad also loaded up and headed to get the car to pull around to the front of the hospital. We were racing around the room shoving clothes and things into bags so we could hurry and leave. Just as the transport knocked on the door to take us to the car, you completely filled a diaper! You were in the sweetest sack outfit that GiGi made for you, it had an E stitched on the front. GiGi and I were frantically trying to get the diaper changed. You went into a fit and screamed for about 5 minutes! As I was loaded to the wheelchair you were howling still. I was overwhelmed with emotion, you were crying, the transport guy was hurrying us, Gigi was running around trying to get the last of everything loaded – it was quite a scene! Finally, you calmed a bit! We stopped at the nurses station, they took off your bands and security tag, and we rode the elevator down to the lobby. As I was wheeled through the lobby, it was surreal. I was taking home a baby! You and I just locked eyes and I was hoping you would stay calm and settle. In the lobby, there was a waterfall that was really loud, we stopped to wait for your dad to bring the car around the loop, and you just fixated on the sound and calmed. Gigi and I started crying! We were so overwhelmed with emotion about you, we just looked at each other and took in the special moment. After checking out the car seat and getting you locked into it, we loaded you into the car. You did not like the car ride home! You screamed for most of it! We could not settle you, I am sure the sounds and lights were a new experience for you and it was scary. Finally, we got on I-4 and the noise of the road calmed you. A big rain storm was brewing all day that Friday. As we pulled into the garage, the sky unloaded and the rain poured in for a few hours. We were so glad you were home with us.

The weekend before I was born, what did mom and dad do? What was it like to know it was the last weekend without a child?

You were over a week late, so you were getting pretty big in my tummy. I was very uncomfortable at that point, but I knew I needed to stay on my feet and keep walking to entice you to come out! The week before you were born, I did not go into work, so it was a lot of walking, breathing, and preparing for your arrival. I must have washed every sheet and towel in the house, mopped every floor, paced the nursery – I was ready for you to get here! We were scheduled to arrive at the hospital Sunday morning to start ripening my cervix. So, your dad and I knew this was our last weekend to relax before we became a team of three! Friday night, your dad grilled steaks and baked potatoes and I made a salad. We watched a movie,”Oz, Great and Powerful,” at the house. Saturday morning, your dad wanted to get in a last fishing excursion on his kayak, so he got up really early on Saturday and headed to Triplet Lakes. I wanted my morning to be quiet, so I made coffee and read at the kitchen table. Your dad and I had a whole week past the due date to think about you and get excited. The anticipation of waiting was pretty intense!

What are some things you did not expect or are amazed by?

1. Learning to eat as fast as humanly possible. For some reason, you like to fuss right at dinner time. Your dad and I are shoveling in food and taking turns holding you – a stark difference to our life before Evelyn!

2. Waking up in the morning and being so excited to see you. I could have fed you in the middle of the night, but every morning, I wake up and cannot wait to see you in the morning.

3. Loving your dad more than ever – Evelyn, I pray you find a husband one day that is as loving as your father. We have bonded so much more now that you are here. We are Team Evelyn! He is amazing, I am so blessed by him in my life.

4. Holding you is so peaceful and natural. Since I did not grow up around a lot of babies, I was a little nervous about holding you. It is so natural now – you and I hold each other perfectly!

5. Time is irrelevant. I have all but given up on looking at a clock since you were born. Time is not important, if it takes hours to feed and comfort you, I don’t care. You are my priority, so I don’t concern myself with worrying about anything but you!

6. Grandparents rock – period. Be it taking the night shift, making delicious dinners, coming over to support and teach – grandparents are amazing people that surround your dad, you and me with love.

7. I am fiercely concerned about your well-being. I have never been required to take care of someone at this level of care before, so it is pretty intense how I feel about making sure you are happy and healthy. Super mom!!

8. I want you to grow up feeling content. Your dad and I worked a long time to make this home a safe place for you to grow up – my hope as a mom is that you respect that and understand the love and contentment we share in this home.


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